Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The process consists of a person inserting their foot into an automatic dispenser that puts a polypropylene slip cover over the person's shoes.
A virus is malicious software designed to spread to other computers by inserting itself into legitimate programs and running programs in parallel.
Permanent makeup, also called intradermal pigmentation, is a process that produces long-lasting and natural-looking results by inserting natural cosmetic pigmentation into the dermal layer of the skin.
Those who are familiar with inserting a non-applicator tampon should learn faster how to insert a cup, though there is still a learning curve.
This edition discontinued the practice of inserting translations of variant readings in square brackets.
Finally, wishful thinking can arise at a higher stage of cognitive processing, such as when forming a response to the cue and inserting bias.
After inserting the clip, the charger was then given a second push to ready the first round for chambering.
As the name suggests, it can be constructed by gyroelongating an octahedron (square bipyramid) by inserting a square antiprism between its congruent halves.
It included many new features such as photo inserting, font changing, wide screen views and much more.
Rates of radiation in different parts of the building were monitored by drilling holes into the reactor and inserting long metal detector tubes.

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