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Übersetzungen für Americanism im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Ameri·can·ism [əˈmerɪkənɪzəm] SUBST


anti-Aˈmeri·can·ism SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The school was to teach pure, 100 percent Americanism.
In a sense, Americanism represents the good that capitalism, hard work, and democracy can do when properly combined.
This collection of ideals that forms the modern Americanism ideology holds an enduring appeal to people from lands throughout the globe.
He deigned to recognize the novice and to encourage the best kind of Americanism.
But it was the synthesizing of all his influences and inclinations which create the Americanism of his music.
It became a focal point of various political battles conducted in the name of loyalty and Americanism.
While the traditional ideology behind Americanism holds that the nation has a moral obligation to take whatever measures necessary for the sake of global justice.
The term blackstrap molasses is an Americanism dating from around 1875.
Programs dealing with Americanism and physical fitness were receiving increased emphasis as other domestic issues were fading in the face of the impending war.
He made a suggestion that children being cared for in public day-care center be taught Americanism and be shielded from subversive foreign ideologies.

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