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Übersetzungen für CD-R im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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CD-R [ˌsi:di:ˈɑ:ʳ] SUBST

CD-R Abkürzung von Compact Disc Recordable:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The quality of a CD-R disc has a large and direct influence on longevitylow quality discs should not be expected to last very long.
There is no official cover art, as it was merely a CD-R demo.
First, the CD-R mechanisms that were able to read and write the hidden cue sheet metadata went out of production in the late 1990s.
As well as degradation of the dye, failure of a CD-R can be due to the reflective surface.
A limited edition version of the album included a CD-R.
They intended it to be just a demo, and sold it as a CD-R after their concerts.
The free download version is sourced from a reference CD-R which featured a rough mix with a guide vocal.
Only a handful of copies in CD-R format were produced, and these were handed out to lucky fans at subsequent tour stops after their recording.
The band celebrated 10 years of their career with the release of three old songs on CD-R.
The CD-R contains 4 music tracks and a promotional video for lightdark.

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