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Übersetzungen für CV im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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CV [ˌsi:ˈvi:] SUBST

CV Abkürzung von curriculum vitae:

Siehe auch: curriculum vitae

cur·ricu·lum vi·tae <-s [or curricula vitae]> [kəˈrɪkjələm ˈvi:taɪ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Opposed effects of a delayed channel on perception of dichotically and monotically presented CV syllables.
The contractile vacuole should not be confused with the vacuole, a different organelle much more common than the CV.
Six ships ordered in 1944 (CV-50 through -55) were canceled before construction was begun.
Language, food and music are the most important cultural markers of CV identity.
As a result, the airline became the world's largest contemporary CV-990 operator.
Not all species that possess a CV are freshwater organisms; some marine and even soil microorganisms also have a CV.
Here the user can route virtual audio and CV cables from one piece of equipment to another.
His entire CV is too long to include here.
She had been reinstated to her CV position after a successful federal lawsuit over her employment contract not being renewed.
The speed sensor gear assembly is located on top of the transmission just above the right inner CV joint.

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