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Übersetzungen für EIS im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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EIS1 [ˌi:aɪˈes] SUBST

EIS COMPUT Abkürzung von executive information system:


EIS2 [ˌi:aɪˈes] SUBST

EIS Abkürzung von Educational Institute of Scotland:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This relief is limited to the amount being invested into the EIS and can be claimed by investors whose interest in the company exceeds 30%.
The draft EIS included 12 different study corridor alternatives by choosing among four variations along the route.
Early on in the EIS process, officials considered placing a toll plaza at the east end of the bridge.
The EIS was produced at a cost of $105 million, over five times the original estimate, and was delivered 18 months behind schedule.
When such a project is determined to have significant effects on the human environment, an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required.
A project that may adversely affect an endangered species or its critical habitat is considered to significantly affect the environment, requiring an EIS.
The first option was to not plant glyphosate-resistant sugar beets until the EIS was completed.
An EIS differentiates itself from legacy systems in that it self-transactional, self-helping and adaptable to general and specialist conditions.
Where gains arise on the EIS investment, taper relief is available.
Today, the application of EIS is not only in typical corporate hierarchies, but also at personal computers on a local area network.

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