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Übersetzungen für IOU im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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IOU [ˌaɪəʊˈju:] SUBST ugs

IOU Abkürzung von I owe you:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The farmer, for his part, might write an IOU to the banker, promising to pay $220 after 1 year.
He actually only had 18,000 yuan that he had borrowed from work, but hoped an IOU would cover the balance.
At a 10% interest rate, this IOU or bill will be discounted to $200.
That is, the banker will pay $200 in paper today for the farmer's $220, 1-year IOU.
From the outside, the IOU book looks like any other black and white composition notebook.
When that happens, the provider basically takes down an IOU, which the county is required to spend time verifying and processing.
After the gambler's IOU fell in value, the $600 in circulation had an aggregate real value of only 300 ounces.
The elderly got a healthcare benefit created out of thin air and young people were given an IOU.
He will promise a fellow legislator an IOU vote for another piece of legislation in return for a vote on his own act or bill.
When taxes exceed benefits, the federal government lends itself the excess in return for an interest-paying bond, an IOU that it issues to itself.

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