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Übersetzungen für monarchy im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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mon·ar·chy [ˈmɒnəki] SUBST


Beispielsätze für monarchy

hereditary monarchy

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These rules varied from monarchy to monarchy and didn't always follow the fashion of the time.
In its stead the group advocated a constitutional form of monarchy with an elected legislature.
The arranged marriage of women of status to gain or seal political alliances was often practised by monarchies in ancient times.
He took no part in politics after 1848 and became a zealous philanthropist and a partisan of constitutional monarchy.
By playing nationalities off one another, the government ensured the monarchy's central role in holding together competing interest groups in an era of rapid change.
During the last century, however, many monarchies have become republics, and those who remain are generally the formal sovereigns of their nations.
Relations between the two countries were established in 1896 while both of them were monarchies.
They also viewed their oaths to the previous monarchy as morally binding and constant.
In the constitutional referendum of 1946 it advocated to maintain the monarchy, but the majority of voters opted for the establishment of a republic.
The monarchy received increased criticism and public scrutiny.

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