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Übersetzungen für Nova Scotia im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Nova Sco·tia [ˌnəʊvəˈskəʊʃə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Wind damage was less significant than in Nova Scotia, although still evident in structures and utility lines.
One example of the province's problems at the time was that Nova Scotia was suffering from great debts and deficits.
Monuments around Nova Scotia mark some of those visits, while others honour a royal personage or event.
The arms of Nova Scotia were in use until the mid 19th century.
He briefly held the office of Nova Scotia premier in 1882, but his government was defeated in that year's election.
Nova Scotia has granted a virtual monopoly to Nova Scotia Power, when it divested its investments in the sector in 1992.
He was sent as a missionary to Nova Scotia from 1767 to 1771.

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