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Übersetzungen für Open University im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Open Uni·ˈver·sity SUBST no Pl esp Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is a play for two actors set entirely in the office of an Open University lecturer.
She worked at the Open University for nearly five years, contributing to courses for teachers on reading, language and children's literature.
It was originally founded in 1963 as a pilot study for the Open University.
He has an Open University honours degree in social science majoring in politics and economics.
He joined the Open University in 1969 as a history lecturer, and from 1978 he was a senior lecturer in history.
Qualifications up to and including Open University courses are available.
From 1970, she worked as a lecturer for the Open University in further education, leaving in 1976.
By 1981, 45,000 students had received degrees through the Open University.

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