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Übersetzungen für TXT im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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TXT [tekst] VERB trans

TXT TEL kurz für text:

to TXT sth

Siehe auch: text

I . text [tekst] SUBST

1. text no Pl (written material):

tekst m

2. text (book):

čtivo n
branje n

3. text TEL:


II . text [tekst] VERB trans TEL

ˈTXT mes·sag·ing SUBST no Pl

TXT messaging TEL kurz für text messaging:

TXT messaging

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The only redeeming factors is that it plays audiobooks and the TXT experience is decent.
Still, you can use the TXT files it creates in any text editor.
The program's executable object code and data would be stored in TXT records.
Right now, they're still working out some quirks, but you can edit a TXT file to enable the new boot modes.
It is a scaled-down version of TXT-1.
This creates a ton of different TXT files that you can open in your text editor of choice, and organise accordingly.
The best feature is the ability to highlight passages of text and export them to physical TXT files.

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