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Übersetzungen für UDI im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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UDI [ˌju:di:ˈaɪ] SUBST

UDI Abkürzung von unilateral declaration of independence:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Transmit and receive plugs are slightly different, and a UDI cable will fit only one way.
His sanctions busting deals (often involving complex barter transactions) sustained the UDI regime for far longer than would otherwise have been possible.
However, the leaders of the UDI state made it clear that parity of representation could be deferred indefinitely, if not for ever.
When information enters the system it need not be trusted or constrained (i.e. can be a UDI).
In 1965 there were revisions to the constitution that reflected the new status of the nation after UDI.
The lack of an effective parliamentary opposition is one factor that made it difficult to end UDI when this measure had become clearly necessary.
Government ministers simply ignored his notices, pointing out that UDI made his office obsolete.
It has been argued that the racial dimension of UDI was an incidental thing.

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