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Übersetzungen für WIP im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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WIP [ˌdʌblju:aɪˈpi:] SUBST

WIP Abkürzung von work in progress:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Despite still being a WIP the trailer looks aesthetically amazing, with detailed and rendered pools and stadiums, and a natural fluidity to the water movement.
Lean against a wall or simply opt to stand - it also means you're able to escape quickly once the dreaded WIP is over.
The WIP ran six candidates in the 1990 election.
He would join WIP sports radio in 1990, where he manned the midday airwaves through 1999.
Another change was that releases in the WIP series were normally stereo productions.
He continues to host his own weekend radio program on 610 WIP.
In a WIP, this zero-knowledge condition is weakened, and the only guarantee is that the verifier will not be able to distinguish between provers that use different witnesses.
Has web-based time and expense entry, fixed or variable pricing, comprehensive revenue recognition methods, profitability and WIP reporting, budgets and forecasts, flexible categories.
Beginning with WIP-6052, a new series of matrix numbers was introduced for 7 singles.
In fact, WIP was a call sign randomly issued by the federal government.

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