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Übersetzungen für X-rated im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈX-rat·ed ADJ hist

Beispielsätze für X-rated

an X-rated film [or movie]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Because the film was X-rated, he was too young to watch it legally.
But its certainly not X-rated.
The reggae singer confessed that dancehall music has gotten a little too X-rated for her liking.
Her photographs from this period reveal the combination of boredom, surrealism, vulnerability and dissociation inherent in the X-rated world.
My manager had never really wanted me to do X-rated films, she said in 1997.
The 35-minute long X-rated video was shown to the jury - although the judge asked members of the public to leave the court.
The study also reported a one-third rise in the number of women visiting X-rated sites, from 1.05 million to 1.38 million.
Despite the offenses under state laws, stores selling X-rated material are abundant in major cities, advertising openly, as these laws are rarely enforced.
This is a book to read, reread, then, aside from the X-rated penultimate chapter, read again to your children.
This tagline was developed to give the audience an ambiguous reaction suggesting that the film was either more graphic than other X-rated films or more sophisticated and artistic.

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