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Übersetzungen für acclimatization im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ac·cli·ma·ti·za·tion [əˌklaɪmətaɪˈzeɪʃən] SUBST no Pl

acclimatization to a new environment

Beispielsätze für acclimatization

acclimatization to a new environment

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was adverse to fast cultural reforms, stressing that acclimatization was always required.
But if the hypocalcemia has been severe and chronic, then this regimen can be fatal, because there is a degree of acclimatization that occurs.
The potential for acclimatization or adaptation to allow persistence in the face of climate change varies by species and is generally poorly understood.
These studies demonstrated that careful acclimatization would allow pilots to fly unpressurized planes to altitudes of 15,000 feet and higher.
For instance, they do not consider the possibility that species may be able to develop tolerance of new climates through acclimatization or adaptation.
However, considering acclimatization needs for the high altitude climbing, a four day trekking is generally preferred.
Tropical fish sold at pet stores are often kept in acclimatization bags until this process is complete.
A sea-level dweller exposed to the atmospheric conditions at the altitude above 8500 m without acclimatization would likely lose consciousness within 2 to 3 minutes.
Some kinds of acclimatization happen so rapidly that they are better called reflexes.
It is frequently used by mountaineers for training and altitude acclimatization before climbing the higher volcanos in the region.

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