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Übersetzungen für admirers im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ad·mir·er [ədˈmaɪərəʳ] SUBST

1. admirer (with romantic interest):

2. admirer (supporter):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She also learns that he has been her secret admirer.
Admirers of the late princess were furious about the planned exhibition and consider it an insult to her memory.
Still, his scientific credentials were often cited by admirers to give weight to his political philosophy.
This is perceived by the breed's admirers as an unfortunate decision, because the animals are considered beautiful and useful.
The real admirer of his talent was also nowhere to be seen as he had not had the opportunity.
It is written for owners, admirers, builders, and designers of wooden boats.
She likes to think of herself as a tomboy, but her attractive looks and rebellious streak finds her many admirers.

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