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Übersetzungen für air pollution im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈair pol·lu·tion SUBST

Beispielsätze für air pollution

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Air pollution causes cancer, heart attacks and underdeveloped lungs for children.
However, freight and switching operation remained powered by coal-firing steam engines, contributing to air pollution and road accidents.
The law also seeks to encourage the use of public transportation and reduce air pollution.
Awareness of air pollution problems was a factor in their decision to take action on a more environmentally favorable choice of transportation.
Particulates in the raw oil clog downstream processes; sulfur and nitrogen create air pollution.
The policy did obviously not lead to environmental improvement but even made air pollution worse.
This designation gives these areas special protection from the degradation of air quality by human-caused air pollution.
As well as the economic cost of lost commodities, fugitive emissions contribute to air pollution and climate change.
Proponents advance the notion that nuclear power produces virtually no air pollution, in contrast to the chief viable alternative of fossil fuel.
He notes that air pollution in wealthy nations has steadily decreased in recent decades.

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