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Übersetzungen für analog computer im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ana·log com·ˈput·er SUBST COMPUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The processor was to be, in effect, an optical analog computer performing large-scale scalar arithmetic calculations in many channels (with many light rays) at once.
He chose to replace the analog computer by emulating its behavior on a digital computer, and then proceeding from there.
Any physical process which models some computation can be interpreted as an analog computer.
An analog computer represents a datum as a voltage, distance, position, or other physical quantity.
This started with the use of various mechanical aids, but these were eventually replaced by the fruit machine, an electromechanical analog computer of some complexity.
It was an analog computer which related vital variables of the fire control problem to the movement of one's own ship and that of a target ship.
This information was sent to an analog computer which calculated the trajectory and any necessary correction to hit the target.
The precision of the analog computer readout was limited chiefly by the precision of the readout equipment used, generally three or four significant figures.
She spent time working on mathematical analysis problems for clients and ran an analog computer.
It was essentially an analog computer, and bombardiers were trained in great secrecy on how to use it.

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