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Übersetzungen für artificial intelligence im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ar·ti·fi·cial in·ˈtel·li·gence SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The book is about a man who illegally creates a robotic companion with artificial intelligence.
The game has been critically praised for its advances in computer animation, sound, narration, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and physics.
Searching for a competitive advantage and fearful of disruption, board rooms and CXOs have rushed to artificial intelligence as the next big thing.
Initially non-sentient, it is later retrofitted with a dangerously unstable artificial intelligence.
Logic programming was thought as something that unified various gradients of computer science (software engineering, databases, computer architecture and artificial intelligence).
In 1989, he, a self-taught eclectic, began his own research into algorithmic composition and thus, musical artificial intelligence.
For me, artificial intelligence is a catchall term and it's one that's cycled in and out of popularity.
He writes and speaks on a wide range of topics, including technoscience, ethics, existential risks, artificial intelligence, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and futurology, from a democratic transhumanist perspective.
The technological basis for this kind of test market is a multi-agent system as well as methods from artificial intelligence.
Higher levels improve the computer wizards' combat statistics, but does not improve their artificial intelligence.

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