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Übersetzungen für assets im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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capi·tal ˈas·sets SUBST Pl FIN

capital assets

as·set [ˈæset] SUBST

1. asset (good quality):

3. asset HANDEL:

assets Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The liquid assets serve as the cushion for the broker-dealer's recovery of the full amounts owed to it by customers.
Many practitioners have found that effective programs to recover corruptly acquired assets often use a coordinated package of criminal and civil measures to secure and recover assets.
Real accounts are accounts relating to assets and liabilities including the capital account of the owners.
The schemes redistribute every year, in the form of pensions paid to retirees, contributions received that year from the assets.
Thus, the spouse given custody (or the spouse with the greater share of residence time in the case of joint custody), may receive assets to compensate their greater child-care expenses.
The testator's property is subject to probate until such time as the pour-over clause is applied, and the estate assets pour into the trust.
These assets are continually turned over in the course of a business during normal business activity.
As a result, like all banks, it has some liquid assets (cash), but most of its assets are invested in various ventures.
Today, index assets represent about 15% of mutual fund assets overall.
Most nations have institutionalised a system known as fractional reserve banking, under which banks hold liquid assets equal to only a portion of their current liabilities.

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