Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für attested im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . at·test [əˈtest] VERB trans

2. attest JUR:

over(ovl)jati [perf over(ov)iti]

II . at·test [əˈtest] VERB intr to attest to sth

attest competence, fact:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Ruined homes across the city attest to a strategy of overwhelming force.
They considered it spiritual food and extensive documentary evidence attests to the important role it played in religious life.
He gives (before 1926) as the time period during which the name is attested in the sources that he and his contributors consulted.
Although the term linguist in the sense of a student of language dates from 1641, the term linguistics is first attested in 1847.
The concept of a "genius" of a deity is attested only in the imperial period.
Most of the time this is attested by an issued certificate from his teachers.
These are indicated in the list, all other dates are anchored by other events attested.
Born in either 1263 or 1268, he is attested in a document of 1283.
This attests to the playwrights professionalism and dedication to his craft.
It is attested only from a single word list, and even its exact location is unknown.

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