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Übersetzungen für backcloth im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈback·cloth SUBST THEAT

kulisa f

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But there is an unhappy backcloth to this story.
There is an emphasis in the interaction between the offenders mental map of spatial surroundings and the allotment of victims (target backcloth).
The backcloths were used to suggest locale without photographic representationalism; they imply air, water, sea, hills, a city etc., but never actually show anything specific.
I use high quality linen for my backcloth, so the curtain hangs like a dream.
In it there is an evocative language whose sensitivity could be extended into music and into the orchestral backcloth.
As a matter of emphasis, these four principles were erected against the backcloth of free market strategies.
The course is a mixture of heath and woodland, the tree-lined fairways have a particularly splendid backcloth of colour with attractive areas of heather and many species of wild flowers.
The blue sky, warm sunshine, the backcloth of trees and the old manor-house added to the occasion.
In the middle of this, a chair came floating through the air, casting (or, you might say, drawing) its elongated and distorted black shadow on the backcloth.
It begins stunningly, with spangled peacock-green and midnight-blue walls the backcloth for the icons that defined mid-19th century concepts of beauty.

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