Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für bacteriologist im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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bac·te·ri·olo·gist [bækˌtɪəriˈɒləʤɪst] SUBST

bakteriolog(inja) m (f)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Painstaking work, by many bacteriologists, soon discovered the cause of numerous infections.
After 10 years, he was a senior bacteriologist at the program.
After completing his studies he was conferred doctor of medicine in 1880 and subsequently served as an army physician and bacteriologist until 1889.
A variety of scientists work in the field of indoor air quality including chemists, physicists, mechanical engineers, biologists, bacteriologists and computer scientists.
The work of the infectiologist therefore entails working with both patients and general practitioners, as well as laboratory scientists, immunologists, bacteriologists and other specialists.
At the time most bacteriologists believed that white blood cells ingested pathogens and then spread them further through the body.
They can work as virologists, bacteriologists, laboratory workers, pathologists, toxicologists, radiologists, dieticians, health care providers, research workers and teachers.

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