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Übersetzungen für bib im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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bib [bɪb] SUBST

Beispielsätze für bib

your best bib and tucker scherzh

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Eating a lobster can get messy, and most restaurants offer a lobster bib.
It most often has a bib or white line running down its chin.
The head is buff with a broad black mask, white forehead and a white bib, speckled black in the centre.
The head is reddish-buff with a black mask and a silver bib with black streaks and a black edge.
On the throat a narrow black band connects the black bib of the breast to black of the head.
The white-throated bushtit has a white forehead and bib and a dark breastband.
Bib overalls are usually made of denim and often have riveted pockets, similar to those on jeans.
They also have a white throat bib and a narrow white stripe along the underside of the body that widens at the rear.
Just-fledged chicks tend have dark patched faces, freckled bibs and slightly barred chests and spotted legs.
All three of them won the race on their sixth attempt wearing bib number 13.

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