Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für booty im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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boo·ty [ˈbu:ti] SUBST

plen m

ˈbooty call SUBST Am sl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When making inventory of the booty, it consisted 177.000 pound silver, some gold (some chains and a crown), skins, chests with sugar, etc.
When she rejected his declaration of love, he went off to do battle with enemies for booty.
In most instances, the dogs do not wear any equipment (collars, vests, booties, etc.) while working a debris pile.
No battle took place and the raid resulted in no booty.
Sometimes dog booties are worn for hiking, especially on rocky ground.
Sometimes, an expedition of conquistadors were a group of influential men who had recruited and equipped their fighters, by promising a share of the booty.
In wars waged against external foes, the objective was typically the acquisition of booty or the enforcement of tribute.
Due to this, the production staff was forced to either wear bowling shoes or wear makeshift paper booties on their feet.
The troops were not eager for the upcoming fight, which promised no booty.
Yet many others have too much hound or pointer for the northern climate and must wear booties and coats and sleep in heated barns.

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