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Übersetzungen für brush-off im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈbrush-off SUBST no Pl

Beispielsätze für brush-off

to get the brush-off from sb
to give sb the brush-off

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Jon reckons she is the best-looking woman he has ever seen, a beauty which is only enhanced when she gives him the brush-off.
None of this was a surprise, but it still felt like an unkind date giving me a very cruel brush-off.
Sometimes, having given an innocent user a brush-off from one fake profile, the pseudo team member would then message them from a different fake account to continue the fake flirting.
You are given a brush-off a couple of times and advised to look-in after a day or two.
Or perhaps our summary brush-off wounded him keenly.
But she gets the brush-off.
She taught me not to accept a brush-off from those in authority.
If nothing else, that reply gives a good idea of the brush-off householders can expect to receive if they complain when the tariff rates they were promised are cut.
After he got the brush-off from the bank, he desperately needed to find outside investors because he was almost too successful.
He gets the same brush-off from a few more young women - some look embarrassed, others impatient.

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