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Übersetzungen für buzz word im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈbuzz word SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Beyond this basic involvement in better communication comes the concept of patient engagement (another buzz word much used but not so well understood).
The second coming seems to be the 21st century buzz word... people actually waiting around to find out baffles me.
Authenticity is now a buzz word in many marketing circles, but let's dig deeper to understand what it really means.
Rather, they are value-driven shoppers, willing to pay more for products they feel are relevant and -- what is becoming a hot marketing buzz word -- authentic.
After some of the best agencies in the field added account planning to their list of services, planning became a buzz word within the field.
The buzz word in business -- and in pro sports -- is synergy.
Education needs more passionate advocates for kids who are working in theory and curriculum design, not just buzz word business types.
It was supposed to be about the arts but the buzz word emerging from the city was cronyism.
Multitasking was the big buzz word in 1990/1991, and this system was not designed to handle it.
Will the buzz word for 2015 be hubris?

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