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Übersetzungen für canalization im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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cana·li·za·tion [ˌkænəlaɪˈzeɪʃʳn] SUBST no Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If canalization is not present, small changes in the genome have an immediate effect on the phenotype that develops.
In contrast to phenotypic plasticity, the concept of genetic canalization addresses the extent to which an organism's phenotype allows conclusions about its genotype.
A total of 100000m3 cuyd was moved along with the canalization of a deep ditch 68m ft long.
Then the criminal stands on the canalization hatch and clock is 12:00.
Hopes and dreams become individuated by state canalization of welfare and culture.
He projects water buildings (water pipes and canalization).
However, investments for the expansion of the sewage system and the regulation of the canalization remain insufficient.
But by the first half of the 20th century they were increasingly threatened by competition from ever more powerful paddle steamers, something that was aided by the canalization of rivers.
He published the first mathematical model for the evolution of genetic canalization, and thus contributed to the renaissance of studies of canalization in the mid 1990s.
Developmental biologists suggest that complex interactions in genetic networks and communication among cells can lead to heritable variations that may underlay some of the mechanics in developmental plasticity and canalization.

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