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Übersetzungen für capsule wardrobe im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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cap·sule ˈward·robe SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In short, you're a grown man now, and the key to mastering how to dress in your 20s can be summed up in two words: capsule wardrobe.
The collection would be the ideal capsule wardrobe; with the addition of some bold accessories and a few key statement pieces your perfect cold weather wardrobe would be complete.
That's why we encourage people to buy capsule wardrobes, full of items that you can use again and again in different combinations.
I take a capsule wardrobe in just one colour and mix it with accessories such as belts and scarves.
The capsule wardrobe made her famous the world over, and rightly so.
So, here's our guide to searching out that perfect capsule wardrobe on the high street.
If you want to build a capsule wardrobe, just do it.
For those of us who are especially into style, capsule wardrobes can be a bit restrictive, she says, but even then the principles work for travel.
The capsule wardrobe movement can be tied to a growing minimalistic trend in the fashion community.

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