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Übersetzungen für carpenter im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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car·pen·ter [ˈkɑ:pəntəʳ] SUBST

tesar(ka) m (f)
carpenter (making furniture)
mizar(ka) m (f)

Beispielsätze für carpenter

apprentice carpenter

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was the first contested election for presidency of the carpenters' union since 1915.
He was a carpenter's son and after attending a dame's school, worked at that trade.
The instruments and their repairs are done by the carpenters only.
A later feature was the use of drywall instead of plaster and lath wall-building techniques which required skilled carpenters.
This had only been partially destroyed, so the carpenters within his army were able to fix it.
The construction goes on very slowly, because of the lack of carpenters.

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