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Übersetzungen für carriageway im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈcar·riage·way SUBST Brit


dual ˈcar·riage·way SUBST Brit

dual carriageway

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Traffic had previously travelled in both directions either side of the median strip with trams running on double track in the northern carriageway.
The other car involved crashed into the central barrier after the collision but remained on the carriageway.
Most sections of the federal highways are only single carriageway with one lane for each direction and no hard shoulder pull-out area.
Traffic may also be directed to the sheltered carriageways on the lower deck when there are very strong winds.
The major roads are dual carriageway, the others are single carriageway.
It is configured to a dual carriageway standard carrying two traffic lanes in each direction for most of its length.
We have as much right to use the carriageway as any other road user, except where specifically prohibited (motorways, dual carriageways and so forth).
Initially, only one carriageway of a future dual carriageway has been constructed.
The new dual carriageway means that average travel times along this section of the route have reduced significantly.
It is located in the wide central reservation of a dual carriageway.

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