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Übersetzungen für centennial im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In 1970, to celebrate the centennial of the territory, a unique polar bear-shaped plate was introduced.
In contrast to the rejection these designs met in 1869, centennial collectors welcomed the reprints and hastened to acquire them.
In the centennial year of 1876, he began his major life work, the invention of an automatic process to produce horse nails.
Diamond also sang it at the centennial rededication of the Statue of Liberty.
Cooper, a former garbage man-turned-artist, best known for his sports paintings, has been commissioned to create a special painting for the city's centennial in 2013.
To celebrate the church's centennial, in 1922 the parsonage was built.
Several public parks changed names to honor local historical figures and celebrations were held to commemorate the citys centennial.
In 2001, the hospital celebrated its centennial with yearlong activities.
The village celebrated its centennial in 2002, which involved numerous celebratory events.
The back plate listed the years 1803 and 1953, while the front plate bore a special design instead of the license number, with the word sesqui-centennial below.

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