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Übersetzungen für certainty im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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cer·tain·ty [ˈsɜ:tənti] SUBST

with certainty
he'll arrive late, that's a [virtual] certainty
certainty Sg

Beispielsätze für certainty

with certainty
he'll arrive late, that's a [virtual] certainty

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In terms of the "ius certum" principle (the principle of certainty), the crime must not, as formulated, be vague or unclear.
The lack of any methodological certainty in the application of the interpretative criteria ultimately means the problem of legal uncertainty is incapable of resolution.
Its origins are not known with certainty, but it may be an evolution of the "warizuka".
It is not known with certainty until when it had been active.
This game was attended by almost 12000 fans and won by 5-0, gaining the club mathematic certainty about crowning themselves 2013-14 division champions.
Males also play a role in the parenting of the offspring especially in smaller groups where the certainty of paternity is high.
In the first place he preaches certainties and not doubts.
In reality, we know nothing with certainty of his origin.
Its diet is not known with certainty, but has been reported to include ants, beetle larvae, and termites.
While it may be true that some definitions contain descriptions which lack mathematical certainty, such precision and definiteness is not essential to constitutionality.

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