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Übersetzungen für choral im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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cho·ral [ˈkɔ:rəl] ADJ

Beispielsätze für choral

choral society

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The week includes choral training, music theory, and a tour bus and media event.
The choirboys were educated by another of the vicars-choral.
Both a simple spoken celebration and a choral or sung eucharist celebrated with congregational hymns featuring an eclectic mix of mass settings, psalmody, anthems and instrumental music are practised.
The fourth scene is a choral exchange between the young men who have entered and the young women who exchange taunts.
He was best known as a composer of choral music and church music, and wrote songbooks and musicological articles on the genre.
It features living history skits, choral concerts, puppet shows, carolers and a petting zoo.
The play is infused with choral and instrumental music, as well as onstage singing and playing by cast members.
It is neither a concerto nor a choral piece, although it prominently features the viola and a wordless choir.
Choristers develop an appreciation for a wide range of choral literature.
Goitre dedicated all his life to musical didactics and choral music.

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