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Übersetzungen für coincidence im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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co·in·ci·dence [kəʊˈɪn(t)sɪdən(t)s] SUBST

1. coincidence (instance):

by coincidence

2. coincidence (agreement):

coincidence of events

Beispielsätze für coincidence

sheer coincidence
by coincidence
that was a bit too much of a coincidence

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The writer begins to notice coincidences between what he is writing (about a girl in a parallel world) and his real life.
The cryptanalyst has to rule out the coincidences to find the correct length.
Various events and coincidences, help him in getting closer to the truth.
There may, for example, be a number of accidental coincidences in addition to those of interest.
Cases where inference was justified by the result were seen only to be mere coincidences.
The linguists and historians behind the review point out that there is no reason to believe that these similarities are any more than coincidences.

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