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Übersetzungen für collaborators im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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col·labo·ra·tor [kəˈlæbəreɪtəʳ] SUBST

1. collaborator (colleague):

2. collaborator abw (traitor):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In video and teleconferencing, time lags due to technology-mediated communication can cause confusion between collaborators.
And he will provide a character reference for his former secretary of state, describing how the two former rivals became close collaborators and colleagues.
Subsequently, military personnel and other victims can piece together informants, collaborators, and techniques based on the propaganda element of the videos.
Agencies have had to smarten their offering to compete with general-market agencies, working with them and against them simultaneously, as competitors and collaborators.
With the advice and help of friends and collaborators, he printed (though not for sale) some then unedited texts and two important works.
The centre will open its doors to researchers by the end of 2011, creating a cutting-edge hub for attracting the worlds leading scientists and collaborators.
Martin's winning strategy is that he regularly rejuvenates his sound by finding collaborators who can rough up his pretty melodies.
They are networkers, collaborators, work across teams and boundaries and work through others.
While some companies focus on their inhouse management structure, others also emphasize the integration and coordination of outside suppliers and collaborators in offshore-operations.
In some technology-intensive industries, a more liquid market in intellectual property is seeing competitors become collaborators.

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