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Übersetzungen für colour scheme im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈcol·our scheme SUBST

Beispielsätze für colour scheme

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The more familiar colour scheme of red and white bricks, green windows and red roofs appeared in 1937.
This featured a more mdern grey colour scheme, and the old logo was replaced with a design based on a referee's whistle.
Initially, a colour scheme of either black and white, or red and white were the two options for the club.
The stops, resembling railroad stations, have a different colour scheme each.
All sites were given a small make over featuring a new colour scheme, new carpets and paintings in the restaurants.
The usage of the older colour scheme was made illegal after a period during which both styles were tolerated.
These plates are unique because of their colour scheme and the location of its identifier band.
It is the fourth smallest note measuring 140x77mm and has an orange colour scheme.
Apart from searches in colour scheme, the artist strives to achieve expressive outlines and an effective rhythmical arrangement.
Cars will not be repainted, but new vehicles purchased will use the original colour scheme.

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