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Übersetzungen für corkage im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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cork·age [ˈkɔ:kɪʤ] SUBST no Pl, ˈcork charge SUBST Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some have even coined a term for them: corkage cowboys.
We're arguing about a $40 or $50 corkage fee, but we're talking about bottles that are thousands of dollars!
For a corkage fee, customers could also bring wine they had bought from the shop and drink it in the bar.
There were never any complaints, and he had even heard of some restaurants charging up to $60 for corkage.
It is liberalizing liquor laws, clearing the way for booze sales at movie theatres and corkage-fee options at restaurants.
Those who bring in their own wines will pay a $50 per bottle corkage fee, a hefty charge given the location. 5.
A wine list may also disclose a corkage fee for patrons who bring their own wine, in establishments and countries where this is customary.
There is no corkage fee and a great incentive to get out on a work night.
On a more positive note, the bar offers $5 corkage on certain evenings.
And while few, some savvy restaurant owners have come to realize that minimal corkage fees on special nights can buy a lot in customer loyalty.

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