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Übersetzungen für dagger im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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dag·ger [ˈdægəʳ] SUBST

Beispielsätze für dagger

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The magician is surrounded by a scourge, dagger, and chain intended to keep his intent pure.
Scientists think that the dagger-like ovipositor of the females might be used for inserting eggs into vegetation.
After taking the dagger, he revealed that he loved his sister.
While unrolling the map, a dagger was revealed.
Kite dinghies can be found for as little as $100, but the mast, rudder and dagger board can raise that figure if repairs/replacements are required.
Dagger was rendered blind in the first issue, and her struggles to deal with this new disability were a major theme of the series.
Dagger say that the people are afraid of him, but not all.
A dagger after a completion date indicates that portions of the hull were preserved as memorials.
She wakes up and finds a dagger under her pillow.
This means that a halfling does have a chance, albeit slight, to put down a troll with one well-placed (and lucky) dagger strike.

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