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Übersetzungen für decisive im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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de·ci·sive [dɪˈsaɪsɪv] ADJ

1. decisive (determining):


2. decisive (firm):

decisive measure
`no,' was his decisive reply

Beispielsätze für decisive

decisive action
`no,' was his decisive reply

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If there is a tie, the higher semifinal scores become decisive.
Some claim it was the decisive turning point in the campaign.
I made up my mind to dive leftwards and for sure, there it was a decisive save.
More lives will be saved by decisive action early, than by prolonging the insurgency.
Where they are only giving a new interpretation of well-known facts, this is not decisive.
These problems could be mastered by a decisive rector after 1945 and an urgently necessary extension for laboratories was built.
But armies and battles were not decisive, for neither side was able to achieve a complete victory.
The decisive factor was reportedly the overall cost, both in terms of unit cost, and operating and maintenance costs.
It is decisive that the type of use is not only specified by its technical possibilities but also by its economical importance and usability.
He was one of two who managed to escape the battle, this was to be a decisive move for the future of the war.

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