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Übersetzungen für degree day im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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de·ˈgree day SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

On a humid 80 degree day, men and women came dressed in their best.
We are getting to the time of year when we see the first 20 degree day.
Add in 4 passengers, luggage and a 25-35 degree day and the car will suffer.
Several cars overheated while waiting in line -- a 36 degree day is not kind to older cars -- while fans sweltered in almost no shaded areas.
They use the quantity termed the degree day to determine how strong of a use there will be for heating (heating degree day) or cooling (cooling degree day).
The girl's death on a 90 degree day was the first hot car death of 2014.
Well... that once hard sonofagun becomes more like a 40 degree day.
Heat indexes can soar during the summer months due to high humidity and long hours of sunshine, causing a 93 degree day to feel as if it were 101 degrees.
Who hasn't baked on the front steps while cursing a late friend on a 35 degree day?
Wait for your first 40 degree day and you are idling in traffic.

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