Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für denim im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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den·im [ˈdenɪm] SUBST

1. denim no Pl (material):

denim m

2. denim ugs Pl:

kavbojke f Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The dress code states that denim is not allowed and that a collared shirt is required.
Their uniform was blue pants, a denim shirt, and boots.
After the performance, her denim jacket was auctioned for charity.
Before fall 2006, students were required to wear khaki or denim trousers or skirts.
Since jeggings are typically made of a denim/spandex blend, they are often worn on their own as opposed to under a skirt or dress.
It features urban streetwear including denim jeans, hoodies, t-shirts and hats.
It is also very popular to overlap a horizontal and vertical stri, creating the look of fabrics such as linen or denim.
At the time, denim had only recently evolved from a working-class uniform and was still relatively cheap.
Stretch jeans are often viewed as attractive because they have the appearance of being skin tight, while not binding like regular denim jeans would.
Jimmy became noted for wearing a trademark denim shirt, the shirt was won in a competition after the serial stopped airing.

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