Englisch » Slowenisch

dia·mond [ˈdaɪəmənd] SUBST

1. diamond (stone):

2. diamond MATH:

romb m

3. diamond KARTEN:

karo m
ace of diamonds

4. diamond (in baseball, infield):

dia·mond ˈwed·ding SUBST

rough ˈdia·mond SUBST

Beispielsätze für diamonds

ace of diamonds
to mine for coal/diamonds//gold

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is selected, however, to oversee the receipt of the gyroscopes - critically, he does not know that diamonds are being exchanged for the gyroscopes.
The culets of the two diamonds face one another, and must be perfectly parallel in order to produce uniform pressure and to prevent dangerous strains.
The pattern of the egg contains five oval panels bordered by half-pearls set in enamel, with brilliant diamonds placed at each intersection.
This invention revolutionized the diamond cutting industry and correspondingly, the popularity of diamonds.
After reaching a particular height the water stood still in the air, the particles glittering like diamonds.
A poor country today may suddenly become very rich tomorrow through the discovery of say oil, coltan, tantalite, uranium, diamonds or any rare mineral.
They lose the diamonds in the plane crash and spend much of their time on the island searching for them.
If you can't buy her diamonds, she'll understand; but if you give her a gift-wrapped mop instead, be prepared to sleep in the dog house.
These large format stamps came in a variety of shapes including diamonds, and were widely sold to collectors in canceled to order form.
The broad flute gold bezel is set with a drop ruby and two diamonds that complete the clasp.

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