Englisch » Slowenisch

din·ing car [ˈdaɪnɪŋˌ-] SUBST BAHN

dining car

ˈdin·ing room SUBST

dining room

dine [daɪn] VERB intr form

Beispielsätze für dining

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The second floor contains the castle owners's former library, a central patio, a solarium, the living room, dining room, and the kitchen.
The first floor of the main building included a reception room, sitting room, and dining room.
The slice of corporate history has four bedrooms and a "toast of the town" dining room.
The upper fort's magazine and various other buildings were converted to be used as basic bunk houses, kitchen and dining area.
The second story contains two bedrooms, a parlor, and a dining room.
Destinations that include romantic dining, art and music, an afternoon at a spa are in tune with Libran sensibilities.
Facilities include 10 research labs, cabins, dormitories, a dining hall, and lecture rooms.
Doorways on either side of the fireplace lead to the dining room and hall.
He acquired local respectability, often dining with the wealthiest planters in his parish, and served in several local offices including justice of the peace.
Pixie is then situated lying down on a lengthy dining table surrounded by men, as if she were their meal.

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