Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für dislocated im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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dis·lo·cate [ˈdɪslə(ʊ)keɪt] VERB trans (displace)

Beispielsätze für dislocated

to reduce a dislocated shoulder/joint

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He had many falls during the race, broke his wrist and dislocated his shoulder.
His single most serious injury was in the last game of the season in the mid-1950s in which he dislocated his shoulder.
It stood for approximately ten years until another flood dislocated the bridge.
When this happens, a pocket at the front of the glenoid forms that allows the humeral head to dislocate into it.
He extended one arm to protect his head, and his shoulder was dislocated on impact.
He dislocated his right ankle and in the process broke a bone and ligaments.
In 1902, because of large scale regional flooding, many families were dislocated from their homes and in need of temporary shelter.
They have a rare resting posture, with the forewings dislocated to point forward.
It is possible to suffer a broken neck without becoming tetraplegic if the vertebrae are fractured or dislocated but the spinal cord is not damaged.
He fell badly wounding his knee and dislocated that joint plus his shoulder hit hard against the pavement.

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