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Übersetzungen für disorientate im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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dis·ori·en·tate [dɪˈsɔ:rɪənteɪt] VERB trans usu passive

1. disorientate (lose bearings):

2. disorientate (be confused):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

If not fully fit heavy swells and wave action could disorientate a shark.
As he transitions between the locations the timeline can become confusing -- not helped by inventive, yet disorientating camera work.
The band utilizes disorientating chord progressions and obscure rhythms, with songs featuring a variety of instruments.
Users can enter the exhibit and clamber their way around its intricate mesh in a blank and disorientating environment.
It feels as if you're completely under the falls, so dense and disorientating is the spray, even though you know it's not possible.
Grain silos, deer antlers, and totem poles shed their comfortable "meanings" to assume new, irregular ones that render the world disorientating.
What is relevant, on this point, is that the rhetoric of purity that comes with celibacy can psychologically disorientate us.
The sonic boom also has the tendency to temporarily deafen and disorientate anyone in the immediate area.
Black ice or verglas is a particular problem in cold weather, and mist or fog can disorientate scramblers very quickly.
Instead, it works well as a mechanic to disorientate the player instead.

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