Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für dispense im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . dis·pense [dɪˈspens] VERB trans

dispense to
deliti [perf razdeliti ]+Dat
dispense advice
dajati [perf dati]
dispense medicine
izdajati [perf izdati]

II . dis·pense [dɪˈspens] VERB intr to dispense with sth


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He would often dispense advice to new agents by inscribing dream big dreams with a signature on the backs of $1 bills.
These materials do not need to be mixed and can be dispensed directly into the site.
She can also store objects and liquids in her ears, to be dispensed as needed.
In concert with the "curia regis", eyre circuits staffed by itinerant judges dispensed justice throughout the country, operating on fixed paths at certain times.
He may disrupt public meetings, either for comic effect, or by dispensing what proves to be wisdom in a garbled and comic form.
One icon would dispense a quip or general observation, and another would dispense a hint, and often as not a quip as well.
In this the wooden dowels were dispensed with, and instead a hollow tube of zinc or magnesium was used.
This may be because the manufacturers of the drug have paid the doctor a fee to dispense their drug.
To the degree that you hold purpose and principles in common among you, you can dispense with command and control.
It marked a transition in their musictheir songs took on a more serious lyrical tonethey dispensed with guitars, by using synthesisers as their main instruments.

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