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Übersetzungen für ditto im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . dit·to [ˈdɪtəʊ] ADV

ditto (likewise)
ditto ugs (me too)

II . dit·to [ˈdɪtəʊ] SUBST TYPO


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It started as a one-page ditto sheet, but by 1976 had grown over 80 issues into a 60-page journal.
Typewriters, school dittos, church mimeos and (if they could afford it) multi-color letterpress or other mid-to-high level printing.
A cheap ditto suitable for housework is green, whereas a quality one for business is gray.
Ditto's owners were later to claim that he won the race in a trot.
Most people use dittos to do their work, as they are affordable even for the poor.
Ditto for the relation between recipes and cakes, blueprints and houses, constitutions and governments, etc.
Ditto for government licenses necessary to cut hair, drive a taxi, open a business or enter a profession.
Ditto for the geologic place name and the name for any federal mining, mineral, or energy leases in the area.
Most dittos want to inload, so that their experience will be continuous with that of their archie.
It was named after the ditto machine, which was commonly used to print fanzines before the advent of cheap photocopying.

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