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Übersetzungen für dry land im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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dry ˈland SUBST no Pl

Beispielsätze für dry land

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some dry land was present however, but it is uncertain how extensive or connected the several terranes were.
Includes surface dive, water-based mouth-to-mouth/nose resuscitation, use of bystander for help to get casualty onto dry land and the recovery position. 8.
They are adapted for a life on dry land, and many species can survive long periods without water.
Proportionately, the water hemisphere is approximately 89% water, 6% dry land and 5% polar icecap.
Hunger is a growing epidemic and the dry land does not provide a plentiful bounty.
Dry land broke up from the marsh and formed the long hill of today.
The phrase refers to the dry land mass on the earth's surface and is used to differentiate from the sea or air.
He then proceeded to spend many training hours on dry land sitting out on the bench at home.
The now dry land became hacienda generally dedicated to the raising of horses.
They usually ran downhill so that they included both wet and dry land, helping to offset some of the problems of extreme weather conditions.

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