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Übersetzungen für emolument im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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emolu·ment [ɪˈmɒljʊmənt] SUBST form


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A lot of these people are in consulting positions, and they get various, shall we say, emoluments in overseas accounts, and that kind of thing.
Examples of items that are material by nature are bank balances and directors emoluments.
He had no official research grants, honoraria, stipends, emoluments or official positions, but had been financially supported by a few friends and readers.
The office received a yearly emolument of 500.
In the practice of the law he won distinction both in his own state and outside, and with it the financial emoluments that usually accompany success at the bar.
There is no proof that any direct emolument was ever attached to the office, while the expense and trouble entailed by it must often have been very great.
In this, he was backed by his party, hungry for office and its emoluments after almost thirty years with only brief spells in government.
It was egalitarian, prohibiting both slavery and the granting of hereditary emoluments, privileges, or honors.
Through their friendly offices, his two sons, who had been sent out by a generous friend, were placed in situations of respectability and emolument.
The latter was to assume all duties immediately, but would receive none of the emoluments.

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