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Übersetzungen für enamoured im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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en·am·oured [ɪˈnæməʳd] ADJ

enamoured of/with

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Inspired by the words, he became enamoured of the notion of eternity.
If the bee is enamoured of the bud, who can tell what will happen when she is a full-blown flower.
I wasn't enamoured of either of them... they betrayed me... divorce is not too much fun for a little nine-year-old...
She was a glamorous woman when younger, with whom all the men of the village were enamoured.
He was enamoured by hunting and building many large palace for himself, put his people aside.
The women of the houses who came to grant him food became enamoured by his appearance and followed him, singing and dancing.
Soon, the two are no longer enamoured of their former loves and are now in love with each other.
Her husband finds out and moves to break up the affair, but also gets enamoured of the girl.
I'm quite enamoured by the period, quite taken up by the period and its flamboyance.
Enamoured by the color and warmth of the islands, she made her home there, and was followed shortly by her parents and siblings.

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